Projection of the Results of 2024 General Elections

The most anticipated and most talked about aspect in the Indian political circle is the 2024 general election. The much awaited outcome of the exit polls are about to come out today.

IPD is releasing a projection of the numbers in this article. Please note IPD HAS NOT conducted any exit poll. This is a projection of the numbers based on the trends and analysis from various ground reports.

In the article published on 29th December, 2023, we divided the country into four electoral regions based on 2019 lok sabha election results and the political scenario prevailing since then. We will explain our projections across each of these regions.

First of all let us look at the macro picture. As per our projections, NDA is expected to get around 281-322 seats out of a total of 543. Point to note here is that the majority mark is 272. So NDA seems to reach majority mark at any scenario.

But will the BJP alone get the majority mark like in both 2014 and 2019. In 2019, BJP alone got 303 seats. Our projection is BJP alone will get around 260 to 290 seats in this election. So yes there is a possibility as per our projections that BJP alone may fall short of the majority mark.

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